Category: Tech

General topics around software engineering and tech

Crystal Ball

Peering into the future of Resilience Engineering in Tech

Coming back from SREcon 19 Americas in Brooklyn (catch up with Tanya Reilly’s conf report) and Chaos Community Day 19 in Manhattan (Nora Jones’ Chaos Engineering Traps), Resilience Engineering has had my full attention lately. I’m thoroughly encouraged to see so many folks interested in it and speakers from many different companies contributing their shared experiences to a field that… Read more →

Support Driven Engineering (SDE)

I want to help folks. That’s one of my driving forces in software development. I don’t want to simply build for the sake of building, my code nothing more than a digital ouroboros. There needs to be a sense of purpose to what I’m investing my time in, something greater than “hey, look at this thing I made, aren’t I… Read more →

A 101 on debugging php internals with gdb

Every now and then I dig into PHP internals with gdb, typically to debug issues with the Gearman Pecl extension as I’m currently primary maintainer for the project. It’s a fairly low time demand, despite the handful of issues lingering at the moment, so I’ll poke at it maybe 3 or 4 times a year since completing the migration to… Read more →