Category: Tech

General topics around software engineering and tech

Pink sticky notes

Layoffs Reduce Safety

I firmly believe as an industry we are in a fragile state. That statement certainly carries vague, fortune teller vibes (how do you prove that, or disprove it, for that matter?). It may be akin to saying the end of the world is here, just you wait – except we see failures in our system all the time, and so… Read more →

blue lightsaber -

On Lightsabers and Resilience

Main Takeaway: Adaptability can only come from expertise, and expertise is developed only through experience. Quite often, that’s failure and even the expectation of failure (gamedays, chaos engineering experiments, architecture reviews, etc.). Also, lightsabers are cool. I’m surprised it’s taken me this long to write about lightsabers. During my lunch breaks I’ve been diving into some videos, in particular… Read more →

snowy river

Connecting with Recruiters, pt 2: External Recruiters

External recruiters, also referred to as third party, contingency, or agency recruiters, differ from internal recruiters as they work for a placement firm rather than a tech company directly. They still want well qualified candidates to put in front of an interview panel, but lacking the direct integration, they instead maintain a network of companies that are looking for candidates.… Read more →


Connecting with Recruiters, pt 1: Internal Recruiters

Internal recruiters, sometimes called in-house or corporate recruiters, are hired by and work exclusively for the company you’re applying to. They’ll understand the needs of the specific business closely, as they’re developing a tighter relationship being on “the inside”. Along with this, they may have a bit of a marketing aspect to their work as well to help sell the… Read more →